Friday, January 28, 2011

I like the nick names

Click to enlarge

It is funny the nick name. Thanks.
Thanks Rat's Cave By Start From Zero and Madkit@monday to put us on again. Also the funny describe. Personally I like. Although something is not really 100% correct.
Thanks for the supporting indie stuffs.





它是一種傳統的髮型用品,19世紀已經出現,到了20世紀中最為盛行,塗髮蠟梳飛機頭(Pompadour)成為當時的潮流標準,最為人所認識的例子就是貓王Elvis Presley了。傳統的Pomade是屬油的,不易清洗,或需要使用特別配方的洗頭水。由我們Dirty Boogie首度引入的,美國加洲最著名的復古髮型屋Hawleywood's Barber Shop所出品的Layrite Pomade,是屬於新派的水溶性質,使用時一如傳統的油潤,清洗時有如啫哩一般過水即能洗去,變得更平易近人、方便使用。一般Pomade的標準分為兩個,一是造型的強固度,一是光澤度,強固度低的則光澤度較高,相反強固度高的則光澤度較低,不同牌子可能會出品二至三個等級的產品。Layrite黃色那一瓶Original屬於強固度和光澤度都是中性的一種,而啡色那一瓶Super Hold強固度相對較高一點,但光澤度也不算太差。兩者均散發出芳香的雲呢拿味道。

50年代過後,雖然飛機頭不再流行,但有很多人仍然過著舊時代的生活模式,亦有不少新一代嚮往美好光輝的50年代而形成了復古文化,直到現在,當中包含了音樂、時裝、汽車、紋身等等,而油頭髮型依然是這群人的標準。碰巧這年頭流行Hot Rod衣著,雜誌又吹捧柏豪柏宇頭,大把人都梳著all back兩邊鏟青趕潮流,兩者似乎很有關連,但其實我們最不屑就是潮流了!(當然,這股潮流為我們帶來了多一點的生意,我們也要說句多謝)

若說什麼電影能夠表現出這種髮型的話,我不想說賭神和賭聖,不如說Godfather吧,意大利其實也很盛行all back!



Layrite賣180元,Dirty Boogie Playhouse和Rat's Cave有售。除了Layrite,我們還有其他牌子的髮蠟!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lucky 13 x Ace Cafe

Received the Spring 2011 catalogs from Lucky13 this morning, and it surprised me that they are having a crossover series with Ace Cafe, that is so nice!

We will do the pre-order later like what we previously did, stay tune~


And don't forget this big event for Hong Kong Rockers! The 6th S.R.B.C. Rockers Day will be held on 5 Feb, 2011, ride your British vintage style motorcycle and enjoy the trip!! Be reminded that LEATHER JACKET is a must as dress code!!!! See you there~~

Rockers Day 2010 video

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Glasses Day!

Thanks MAX and Mido for this.
It is amazing!
It looks really really good!!!

oliver peoples?
I just knew Oliver Sandwich.

So 50s!

If you are into retro culture, and want to have a glasses.

You will have some amazing real vintage piece from Mr. Mido.
He got like 20k pcs of vintage glasses!
Get one before it gone!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Pencil Exhibition

This exhibition happened at LCX shopping mall, TST.
Visited it at the last sunday.
A great job by the artist


elvis head

rain drop.
The artist need to make 3000pcs, for the dead in 911.

holding a glass

amazing piece.....

twin tower

actually, this is a house.

blueprint of the chains.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Big Thanks to Dai-lo ALY!

Great stuff!

Thanks Aly so much for this!
We really love it.

Actually many guys around there wondering who is Dai-lo ALY..
Aly is a great guy, he helped and shared alot with us!
He supporting us very much, even we don't even really meet in face.
more about him? Please check his interviewed by others.

The interview from hyperbeast, about his collection with Knowledge

Cool interview and stuffs!

and more!

Aly made this at 2009 summer, as part of the collection of Originals by Originals with Adidas.
This is one of the best new design Adidas! (But I am too late to find this.....)

please take a look at this.
An interesting interview with Aly from la local web magazine.


A: 理論上,可以;但實質上,不可能!你喜歡什麼類型的音樂,你會自自然
型 、你會很留意那類型的東西,自自然然會跟隨那一方面的潮流去打扮自
己 ,那是你的個人風格。當然你可以穿睡衣聽Hip-Hop,但基本上都不會

A: 我很喜歡香港,每位朋友都知道我有三個可以稱為家的地方:紐約、聖地牙
*quoted at

I love this interview!
Aly brings music in the fashion interview!!

Please take a look aboves and visit (bookmark it as well)
You will have great time.
Big Thanks Dai-Lo Aly again.
Thank you very much.

Party Animals

Just been a party with kat from SFZ.
Lots of hot chicks there.
Start to understand why peoples like party!

Party, I am coming!!!
We should join more party even they dont play rockabilly~!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


OK! What's this subject all about?
It's considered bull shit or the title or the launch party of the new comic from local B-grade comicker 盲公夫人(TVO), 《解放台妹》(Set the Taiwanese Girls Free). Indeed it is really interesting!! TVO makes fun with politic and sex, cult stuffs!!

Here are some photos from the launch party of the book in Rat's Cave.